“NEXT GENERATION PROTECTION” Nature Shield™ Antitranspirant
✔ Requires no blending of resins
✔ Mixes easily and stays in suspension
✔ Provides superior coverage of plant surfaces (does not bead up)
✔ Requires no spreader sticker
✔ Forms a transparent natural shield (no gloss on plant surfaces)
✔ Has a higher PH so mixes easier with more products
✔ Is easier on application equipment than more acidic products
✔ Has a longer shelf life
✔ Can be applied at 35˚ F and still forms a shield
✔ Has 40% less VOC than other like products
Nature Shield™ Is available in five gallon pails and one gallon jugs as well as ready to use quarts and quart concentrate!
Look How Nature Shield™ Performs In Real World Testing

If you have more questions or are looking to place an order, please use the form on our contact page, or if you prefer you can call us at (503) 792-4187.